Monday 25 February 2013

Questionnaire Results


I have sent out the survey I made on Survey Monkey, to a collection of people. They completed the questionnaire and I then analysed the results.

This is the data from the first question,  showing that the majority of the people who answered my question are female.

The results from Question 2 show that all of the recipients of the questionnaire were within the age group, 16-19. This is good, because it means I will get feedback from my target audience.

Question 3 is a bit disappointing as most of the recipients don't really buy music magazines but I'm sure there is a reason for this and hopefully i'll create a magazine they would want to buy. 

These are the results from question 4. I asked them what genres of music they like listening to. The most popular answers seem to be Indie, Alternative, Rock and Pop. I could use this information to aim my magazine to the listeners of these genres.  
I need the Cover to have an edge of Alternative to it, this gives me a much better chance of it appealling to my target audience.

  Question 5 shows how important the initial cover image is to the amount of appeal a magazine has.

Question 6 is about what name I should choose for my magazine. Both Encore and NOISE got an equal amount of support, so I should choose a name from those options. I think I will go for the name, NOISE.

Question 7 shows that my target audience prefer the cover photo of a music magazine to be funny/quirky rather than a serious  one.

Question 8 shows that people are willing to spend up to £2 for a magazine, but not more expensive than that.


Saturday 23 February 2013

Questionnaire: Audience Research

Music Magazine Questionnaire

I have created this Questionnaire to get research and opinions from my target audience.

This questionnaire will be on the website surveymonkey therefore it will reach a lot more people than the conventional way of printing copies off and distributing them.
1. Are you male or female?
2. How old are you?
3. How many music magazines do you tend to buy a month?
4. What kind of music would you say you listen to?
5. What attracts you most when looking at a magazine?
6. Which name do you prefer out of these choices?
7. Would you rather see a funny/quirky photo on the cover of a magazine or a serious photo?
8. How much would you pay for a music magazine?

Friday 8 February 2013

Ideas for Magazine Names


I decided to create a mind map of possible names for my music magazine, this enables me to compare one name against another.
At first I quite liked the names, "Encore" and "Rhythm" but on reflection I decided they sounded quite boring for a magazine aimed at young people.
I have added a question to the questionnaire I am producing, asking which name they would prefer, hopefully the feedback I get will make my decision easier.


Monday 4 February 2013

Magazine Names #1

Names of Established Music Magazines

 Q magazine was named "Q magazine" for two reasons:
1. "Q" sounds like "cue" which is a music term, ("cue the track")  relating to the nature of the magazine.
2. The producers of the magazine wanted a striking logo, which will be memorable to the readers of the magazine.

Magazine names #2

Names of Established Music Magazines

The name NME was probably chosen for a couple of different reasons:

1. The initials are easy to remember and are striking.

2. the colours are bold and keep to the three colour system. 

3. It is much easier to remember than the full name of "New Musical Express"

4. "New Musical Express" also portrays the magazine as much older, therefore "NME"   appeals to NME's younger audience more.