Monday 25 February 2013

Questionnaire Results


I have sent out the survey I made on Survey Monkey, to a collection of people. They completed the questionnaire and I then analysed the results.

This is the data from the first question,  showing that the majority of the people who answered my question are female.

The results from Question 2 show that all of the recipients of the questionnaire were within the age group, 16-19. This is good, because it means I will get feedback from my target audience.

Question 3 is a bit disappointing as most of the recipients don't really buy music magazines but I'm sure there is a reason for this and hopefully i'll create a magazine they would want to buy. 

These are the results from question 4. I asked them what genres of music they like listening to. The most popular answers seem to be Indie, Alternative, Rock and Pop. I could use this information to aim my magazine to the listeners of these genres.  
I need the Cover to have an edge of Alternative to it, this gives me a much better chance of it appealling to my target audience.

  Question 5 shows how important the initial cover image is to the amount of appeal a magazine has.

Question 6 is about what name I should choose for my magazine. Both Encore and NOISE got an equal amount of support, so I should choose a name from those options. I think I will go for the name, NOISE.

Question 7 shows that my target audience prefer the cover photo of a music magazine to be funny/quirky rather than a serious  one.

Question 8 shows that people are willing to spend up to £2 for a magazine, but not more expensive than that.


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