Saturday 11 May 2013

Question 5: How does your media product attract/appeal to your chosen audience? (Double Page Spread)

How does my music magazine appeal to my audience?

The first thing that my audience see and are attracted to is the large picture of the artist on the left hand side of the page. Catherine is wearing a leather jacket and that represents the edgy look that my target audience like. She is also holding a banana like a gun towards the camera. This is an example of humour and appeals to the reader.

Question 5: How does your media product attract/appeal to your chosen audience? (Cover Page)

How does my music magazine appeal to my audience?

The Name of my magazine appeals to my target audience. The font, Viper Nora, is edgy with the almost scratched paint finish, therefore it appeals to my audience as they like to be edgy and different.
The word used for my name, "Noise" also appeals to audience. It is simple and easy to remember. The simple word is made into something much more important.

My model for the cover photo, Beth is looking directly towards the camera creating a relationship with the reader thus appealing to the audience. It attracts male readers as they find her attractive and it attracts female readers as they would see her style as an ideal.

The Competition on the bottom of my cover page also appeals to my audience. My target audience is indie/alternative teenagers and they frequent festivals like Reading & Leeds.

Wednesday 8 May 2013

Question 7: Final Evaluation


I believe I approached the production of my final product (music magazine) in a much more professional manner than I did when I produced my preliminary piece. 
I planned and researched my music magazine thoroughly which contrasted with the minimum amount of planning I did for my prelim. This has given me a solid base to work from and use as reference as opposed to the amount of time i wasted producing my prelim just searching for inspiration. 

Question 7: Evaluation #2

Progression of my preliminary to my final piece: Contents Page

Looking back on my preliminary contents page, I realise that the two pieces are incredibly different. 
My preliminary task contents page is much sparser compared to the busy environment of my final contents page. The difference is due to the different contexts, my prelim is a college magazine therefore the content needs to be easy to read as well as looking welcoming, my final piece, on the other hand my final piece is aimed towards the teenage audience and therefore a busier much brighter style can be used. 

Question 7: Evaluation #1

Progression from Preliminary to Final Piece: Cover Page 


My production of a magazine cover page has progressed dramatically from my preliminary, this is mostly due to the fact that I have grasped how to use Photoshop much more. 

My preliminary piece is much simpler and more arbitrary than my final coursework piece. The photo I used of the drummer seems to be too dark for the cover page and the dark border around it looks out of place. 

My final piece photo, on the other hand, is much brighter and looks more suitable for a cover page of a magazine. The focus of the photo is on the model as the photo of Beth has a blank background whereas the photo on my preliminary is much busier making it less suitable for a cover page. 

The style of the cover page for my preliminary also comes across as too simple thus not attracting the prospective readers. the colours seem muted, due to the fact I reduced the opacity of the text  boxes. 

All in all, I believe that my final cover page was much more thought out and developed than my preliminary piece. I feel that my final piece appeals to my audience more than my college magazine, this increased understanding of my target audience improved the look of the cover page dramatically. 
My final cover page looks much more professional and i think this is mainly due to the fact that I have produced my final piece focusing on how to make it look as much like a magazine that could really be sold in the local corner shop as possible.

Audience Feedback #1

Audience Feedback

I decided to collect my audience feedback by uploading my Double Page Spread on to the Social Networking Site, "Facebook." This would enable me to directly garner feedback from my target audience as the people who see my Facebook page are teenagers.

The first page I have got feedback from is the Double Page Spread.  Sarah Higham said that she likes the general look of my spread but she also pointed out a grammar error in my written content. I have looked back on my Double Page Spread and fixed the error according to her specifications. 

Connor Greenhalgh  also gave me feedback on my Double Page Spread, he told me that he thinks the smaller image of my model, Catherine isn't suitable in its current state. With the feedback I have gathered, I took the photo and I modified the photo in Photoshop. I changed the brightness of the photo, but I then realised that the size of the photo did not look good, therefore I put a large photo on the other page instead.

Audience Feedback #2

Audience Feedback 

I also put my Cover Page on Facebook so my peers could evaluate it. 
Most of the comments were very positive about my work. Jordan commented on it ad remarked that he found my layout effective and reminiscent of a music magazine of my genre, Indie-Alternative. 
Nicole found the use of colour on the cover page made my piece unique and professional.
Jade agreed with both these remarks but also added some constructive criticism about the size of the price. However, I decided to keep my price the same size because I feel that the price is something that is important for the consumer to see.