Wednesday 8 May 2013

Question 6: What have you learnt about Technologies from the process of constructing this product?

What Technology did I use and why?


For the whole production of my media blog to go alongside my product I used the site Blogger. I found this site easy to use and effective in producing blog posts, it was easy to import photos and content into the posts. The only thing I found that I couldn't grasp is that when i added the photos, I couldn't move them wherever I liked so I feel the layout of my posts suffered.

I used the website blogger in conjunction with my final coursework pieces to produce a sophisticated, professional record of my progress.


For the production of my final products I used Adobe Photoshop. I found that using this program made the editing and manipulation of photos much easier than what it would have been if I used something llike Microsoft Photo Editer.

I used photoshop for the production of my cover page and my contents page,  I also used it to edit the photos I chose for my double page spread.

 I mainly used the Layer Styler option on the right hand side for my written content and headings.
These made it easier for me to add effects to my headings and produce bold headers, for example, in the title of my magazine I used the option "Stroke" to create a border around the letters and "Inner Shadow".

I also took advantage of the drop down menu for editing photos. I used the "Auto Colour", "Auto Contrast" options to correct the colours on my photo. I also used the "Spot Remover" tool to correct any blemishes on Beth's skin and the "Burn" tool to make her blue eyes much more vivid.


 I used Slideshare to create an interactive presentation to present my production steps for my double page spread, this made my blog more interesting.
The only limitation I found with the software is that when I embedded the slideshow into my blog, I couldn't then change how big it appeared.


I used the social networking site, Facebook to gather feedback. I thought that this would be wise seen as though the "friends" I have on facebook fulfill the criteria of my target audience. Most of them are female, 16-19 year olds and large fraction of them consider themselves as Indie.
Using Facebook worked in my favour as it enabled me to show a large group of people my work almost instantaneously. It would've taken a lot longer to get feedback manually using questionnaires or interviews.

All I needed to do was to post the photos of my cover and contents page on facebook and my target audience commented on it.

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