Tuesday 7 May 2013

Question 2 + 4: How does your media product represent particular social groups? Who would be the audience for your media product?


The target audience of my magazine are predominantly female, who are obviously fans of my chosen genre: Alternative-Rock/Indie. My magazine is targeted at a younger audience of around 14-20. An Indie fan tends to have a more unique dress sense: a mixture of both the vintage/retro style with an urban/modern edge. The indie style can also be relatively grungy, as well as, smart, therefore my media product needs to reflect this.
ARTIST                                                                                 p;     


For my primary photo on my cover page I have successfully represented the indie/alternative social group with the use of costume/makeup.

Beth is wearing a dress with a parka on top and a bowler hat. This is very similar to the  photo of the typical indie female on the right. The colours of the dress and scarf suggest that she wants to be seen as interesting and the use of the bowler hat portrays her sense of individuality.  My model is also wearing bracelets which correspond with the photo on the left.  Indie people collect eclectic groups of bracelets which also show their originality and desire for decoration. 
Instead of just wearing her dress, which is formfitting and potentially revealing, Indie females often layer them with grungey, baggy coats/jackets. This is the case with my model as she wears a khaki coloured parka on top of her skater dress. 

My model is wearing a minimal amount of makeup, the only stand-out part being her winged eyeliner. Winged eyeliner is a feature of this social group's style as it mirrors the makeup of the 1940s, making their look look more retro and therefore more original.


This NME cover page from October 2011 features the artist, Florence Welch. She is the artist predominantly associated with the artist, "Florence and the Machine."
Her music is considered to fall into the genre of "Alternative" therefore her style can be interpreted as a representation of the social group's style. 

There are many similarities between this picture and my cover page. Both models, for example, have a hat, minimal makeup and tousled/wavy hair. 
They both actively use their arms and hands in the photo. Florence is using her arms as a portrayal of nonchalance and Beth is using her hand to seem almost surprised. 

Both shots are also Mid shots, from the torso upwards and this gives the reader a view of their facial expressions without appearing too intense. 


My primary audience teenage girls of age 16-19 from the indie/alternative social group. 
From my audience questionnaire I have seen that more than half of my respondents were female and were within the age group of 16-19 year olds. 

These girls are unafraid to take risks with their clothing and their lifestyle. They take pride in discovering new bands to listen to and going to intimate gigs. Their clothing consists of skirts, dresses and baggy shirts while they love to wear ankle boots and socks. 
My target audience would love music from the nineties like The Stone Roses, and new voices who are not the usual sugar pop like Lana Del Rey.


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